A Horse at the Window (House of Anansi Press, June 2024)

A Horse at the Window is Spencer Gordon’s third book.

Book cover of A Horse at the Window by Spencer Gordon depicts a person standing in profile in a dark coat; his head is obscured by a gout of flame; he holds a burning flower in his right hand.
A Horse at the Window

A Horse at the Window is a genre-bending collection of dramatic monologues shining a light on the anxious, self-directed gaze that defines contemporary consciousness.


Borrowing stylistic elements from the prose poem, faux memoir, online diatribe, and philosophical investigation, the 25 dramatic monologues in Spencer Gordon’s genre-bending collection shine a light on the anxious, self-directed gaze that defines contemporary consciousness. CEOs lose their obscene wealth in lurid hellrealms; an aspiring writer reassembles a personal history out of fragments from the 2000s; police cadets receive a curious crash course in transduction and ethics; the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and Deepwater Horizon oil spill reveal the immanent sublime.


Ranging from ironic and furious to pleading and melancholic, Gordon’s speakers exist in a world of social media think pieces, hot takes and take downs, fake news and distorted facts, steeped in pop culture and its discontents. They are real people, intimate as kin. But they’re also pseudonyms, ghosts, and playbacks, echoing from insubstantial handles drifting on the web. They lie and lurk and love online, channelling the morphemes of digital language and filtering the concerns of self, performance, digital identity, and complicity through the irreverence, non-rationality, and surprising beauty of Zen.

Note: All royalties accrued from this book, from its inception to disappearance, will be donated on an annual basis to Fred Victor, a social service charitable organization that fosters long-lasting and positive change in the lives of homeless and low-income people living across Toronto. Thank you for purchasing this book and contributing, in a small way, to people in need. Learn more at fredvictor.org.


Pre-Order A Horse at the Window


House of Anansi Press                                          Chapters/Indigo

Barnes & Noble





Learn more about the cover art (and artist) here.



Praise & Press for A Horse at the Window



"A Horse at the Window is a Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance for our fractured, pixelated 21st century. With maximum velocity, existential wit, and dazzling imagery, Spencer Gordon spins a zoetrope of the Anthropocene that uncannily helps make sense of being alive today, yesterday, and tomorrow while claiming there is no point."
Zsuzsi Gartner, author of the Giller shortlisted Better Living through Plastic Explosives and Writers Trust finalist The Beguiling


"Its poetics fanned by tutelary spirits, A Horse at the Window spans the burning issues of a world torn between the tangible and the digital. Okay, so it might set your head on fire. But that’s just as well."
— S. D. Chrostowska, author of A Cage for Every ChildThe Eyelid, and Permission